The site (the “Site”) uses cookies in order to make its services as efficient and easy to use as possible. The

personal data controller in relation to the cookies on the Site is Giuseppe Giana srl, with registered offices in Galleria San

Babila 4b, - 20122 Milano(MI)


When you visit the Site a minimum quantity of information is put in your device. These are called "cookies" and are small

files of text called which are saved in the directory of your web browser. There are several types of cookies but

substantially the main purpose of a cookie is to make the Site work more efficiently and enable certain functions.

Cookies are used to improve your browsing. In particular, they:

1. make it possible to browse efficiently from one page of a website to another;

2. memorise the name of the user and their preferences;

3. make it possible to avoid the insertion of the same information (such as user name and password) several times

during the same visit;

4. measure the use of the services in order to optimise the browsing experience and the services themselves;

5. present targeted advertising information on the basis of the interests and behaviour of the user during browsing.

Set out below are the types of cookies which are present on the Site, along with a description of why they are used:

a) Technical cookied

The cookies of this type make the Site function properly. The cookies of this category encompass: 1. persistent cookies:

they make it possible to gather and analyse the traffic of the Site anonymously, monitor the system and improve its

performance. They remain in the computer until the predefined expiry time or until they are deleted;

2. session cookies: the length of the visit is strictly connected to the work session (once the browser is closed they are

deleted). Without these cookies, the Site or some portions of the Site, may not function properly. Accordingly, they are

always used regardless of the user's preferences. Cookies in this category are always sent to the Giuseppe Giana


b) Analytical cookied of third parties

The Site uses analytical cookies managed by other organisations (“Third Parties”) but uses tools which reduce their power

of identification and the Third Parties keep separate the information from other information gathered which they have at

their disposal. The management of information gathered by third parties is regulated by the relevant information

documents to which you are asked to make reference.

In particular, please make reference to:

Name of the cookie Type Link for information

Google Analytics/Google Inc. Technical Cookies Link Google

These privacy statements may be different from those adopted by Giuseppe Giana, which therefore takes no

responsibility for the sites of Third Parties.

Cookies of this type are used to gather information on the use of the Site. Giuseppe Giana uses such information to

conduct statistical analysis, improve the Site and simplify its use, as well to monitor whether it is functioning properly.

This type of cookie gathers information anonymously about the activities of the users on the Site, how they reached the

Site and the pages they visited. The cookies in this category are sent from the dominions of third parties.